
Your donations will help HoU continue to promote its mission across Utah and pay for events that bring the secular community together, such as guest speakers, celebrations, service and activity projects, and participation on social justice causes. Please consider giving what you can to help us continue providing a humanistic community. Thank you!

Ways To Donate to Humanists of Utah

Donate Online with PayPal
Amount: USD

Amazon Smile

Sign up for Amazon Smile and a percentage of your purchase will be donated to HoU

  • Log into and open your personal account settings
  • Select “Your Amazon Smile”
  • Search for “Humanists of Utah”. This will find “American Humanist Association” in West Jordan because we use the AHA as our umbrella for sales tax exemption.
  • Click the “Select” button
  • If you have a bookmark for Amazon please modify it to go to—you always want to use the “smile” option

Smith’s Inspiring Donations

Humanists of Utah is enrolled in Smith’s Inspiring Donations program. If you have a Smith’s Fresh Value card, you can register it to benefit Humanists of Utah. Simply visit Smith’s online, create an account, associate it with your Fresh Values card number, and then enter NPO Number: KQ330 within your “account summary.” All future purchases will now benefit HoU.

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